As the High Holidays approach and we prepare to crown our G-d as king and reconnect with the essence of who we are, we cannot help but think how this year, unity among Jews feels more important than ever. It’s an auspicious time to gather, renew our spirits, and embrace this new year as a family.

If we’re being honest, we’re sure we can all agree that this year, global Jewry has experienced pain, loss, suffering and fear in unparalleled ways. The shofar is a symbol of hope. With the sound of the shofar being a wake up call for all our souls, the shofar simultaneously cries out to G-d, begging. The shofar begs for joy, jubilation, removal of all hardship, connection and the ultimate redemption, a time where we will know no pain, no suffering, & Hope for a bright future. As we write this now, and unfortunately we have many of our precious family still being held hostage, we will pray for their immediate return in good health. 

At the Intown Chabad, we would be honored to have you with us. Together, we’ll share in uplifting prayers, hear the shofar’s call, and experience the sweetness of the new year both in taste and in spirit. Whether it’s your first time or you’ve been with us before, your presence will make our High Holidays truly meaningful and more complete. 

Please join us as we welcome the Jewish year 5785 with open hearts, shared hope, and a deep sense of connection.

Shanah Tovah U’Metukah—a good and sweet year to you and your loved ones.



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